This was the first week in our apartment, getting everything organized....there were lots of pictures like this...he would just randomly take them of me...i guess he likes me:-)

This cracked me up. This was on our honeymoon...some things never change:-)

The memories with these pictures bring such a big smile! I was reading last night before bed and came across this phrase, "...I would still be seeking love instead of writing about it." I am so thankful for the love that David has shown me. David's love didn't even start when he met me; it started years and years before we met. It started with his love for Christ and his obedience to Him. Then the years that he culitvated that relationship with Christ before we met, waiting on me, becoming the man Christ wanted him to be. That journey still continues to this day. Now, I get to follow him on it. And his journey becomes mine. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the love that Christ has demonstrated for me, through David. It shows the unlimited patience and love of a Gracious Father. For our wedding ceremony we were asked by David's dad to write down a couple of qualities that we loved about one another. David's dad read those qualites at a part during the ceremony. One of the things I wrote was that David was like the man in Psalm 1. "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked...but his delight is in the...Lord.....He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields it fruit in due season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.... For the Lord watches over the way of the rightoues...." I could go into a lot about that chapter, but one thing echoes in my life the most. I am part of that fruit that that he is yielding for Christ. I am so blessed and so eternally thankful to my Rescuer and to my Father that He would give me to David. I love you, David. I love growing with you. I love being with you. I love following you.
And I like you:-) most of the time:-)
Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon. Love the picture of Dave on the phone. So classic. :)
love this em! so sweet!! see you soon!
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