The Lord listens. Hut had been saying that he wanted a dog. David said with a laugh "I don't think so". We happened to see a labradoodle out walking one day and David said, "If we were to get a dog, we should get that kind." I said, "Huh." The next week we go to NC. I realize the assistant pastor's wife at my dad's church raises and sells goldendoodles(half golden retriever, half poodle). I laugh and think, wow- if we could get one of those. But, there are no puppies. I tell her that we will be praying for a big litter this year. Hudson is really wanting a puppy. We go and play with the other dogs at Kellie's house. Hudson is now really wanting a puppy. We go to sleep that night in NC and this is when the story gets sweet. I have a mental picture imprinted in my memory of Hudson closing his eyes, bowing his head, and squeezing his hands together...he concentrates and prays slowly..."Jesus, thank you for all the puppies. Can I have one?" Next morning my sister, Kristy, gets a phone call from Kellie. "Have ya'll been praying for a puppy?" Long story short, but a pastor in the area had bought a puppy the day before and realized how much work little pupps were (He already had one godlendoodle). He took the dog out for a walk and prayed about what to do. Through a series of events, he calls Kellie and asks if she knows of anyone who would want a goldendoodle puppy. She calls us. We go pick up the puppy and fall in love. Now we can introduce you to the other girl in our family. We call her Lina for short. I love this story, it's just so amazing how God is- his character. He is strong enough to crush a nation. His wrath is very real and very evident. His strength is stronger than the mightiest ocean storm. His power is uncalculable. Lightning, earthquakes, oceans obey Him. Everything under His control. Demons shutter. The nations bow. And then He clothes the tiniest of birds. He whispers the wind across our skin. He sees the clenched hands of an almost three year old. He hears his little voice. If you are still reading this, maybe He is wanting to whisper to you that He cares. He really does care. And He is listening. He is powerful, yes. But He is also gentle. He is all knowing, yes. But full of grace, slow to anger. He cares. He listens. I am often reminded of the strength of a tree but the genltleness of a spring breeze making the leaves dance. Christ has painted such a beautiful picture of who He is. Everything points to Him. It really is amazing. He cares. Just listen to the birds outside. He cares about the little things.
Several weeks later....she's getting big fast!!! We decided to dress her in one of Graham's shirts...ha
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