Saturday, September 11, 2010

Go Tornadoes!

J's season is off to a great start!! We are so enjoying it!!!

This cracks me up! From Pops, the farthest right, to the farthest left is all there to cheer on little J! He was so excited everyone got to come!
Blair and John David!
J has played three games by now and has scored nine goals!! He's catching on and getting into it!!
This picture brings such a smile! J was so excited to have his "big brothers" cheering him on!
We've been working with these guys for about a year now and each one of them gave their lives to Christ this summer! We serve such a mighty and gracious God! They each are such a blessing to David and I and to our boys! The joy that the Lord has given each one of them brings such a smile to my face....and eyes full of tears too:-)
The Love of Christ....The Gospel....

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