Thursday, March 18, 2010

Book Update...

James 1:21, 22 Humbly accept the Word. Do not merely listen to the Word and so decieve yourselves. Do what it says.

This link is to a series from a pastor in Birmingham AL. It is called the Radical series. It's counterpart series is called Faith. This is pure Biblical Truth- I pray you will watch it. There's 8 sermons- all about 1 hour long. He has also written a book- Radical- it's the same thing as the sermons. I could not paste a picture of that book for some reason. But, it's a great book- reinforcing all the same things that this series on the website teaches so well.

Other book updates....great books to check out. I hesitate putting this up, but know how each have been used in my life. When someone else shares a book that has served them, I am thankful that they would share, so I would like to share these with you. I hesitate only because The Word is the life giver- if these books don't prove to grow you in the Word, they are useless. May we never ever substitute His Word- the divine way of revealing Himself to us. May books only serve to fan the flame of our passion for God Himself as He is revealed in His Word. May His Word be the feasting of our souls and our obedience to it, our foundation.

About being a true disciple and having a passion for the lost. It's a movement in China to reach the world's most unreached.

This is a great, easy book to read. It's an old classic, that I enjoyed reading many months back. It's about following Christ and walking as He walked-being a true follower of Jesus Christ...not just admiring Him, but becoming like Him. I'm reminded of Hebrews 13:12-14.

This is extremely easy to read, but hard to swallow at times. I am so thankful the Lord has shown more light into our lives. We have so far to go on this journey- how thankful I am for His patience and love for us as the Spirit continues His work. A couple of weeks ago, David had changed a light bulb in our of the two bulbs had died. Apparantly he replaced the burnt bulb with one of those bulbs that is extremely bright....I was able to see every little scratch, every little handprint...the walls were pretty dirty, I hadn't even realized it until the light made it visible. I am so thankful that the Lord has been shining that light on our lives. Showing us the dirty spots, the areas that need his touch and healing.
This is by John Piper. The Lord has really used this in my own life.
This book by A.T. Pierson is a bit "thick"- meaning not the pages of the book (although it is kinda thick that way too) but "thick" meaning I have had to read through it slowly. I'm not completly done with this one, but it has been such a blessing.
A true example of a God-exalting, God-trusting life.
My sister told me about this series for children. We've been reading bit and pieces to the boys before bedtime. John David has surprisingly been able to get into it. Hudson is lost and its way over his head. It's more for older kids than mine, but we have enjoyed bits of it w/ J. It will be even greater in another year or two. Thought I'd share it- especially for you moms with older kids than mine!

James 1:21,22 Humbly accept the Word...Do not merely listen to the word and so decieve yourselves. Do what it says.

1 comment:

sarah said...

Love your book recommendations! Can you let me know your secret for getting time to read while you have 3 little ones ? :) It takes me forever to get through a book.