This afternoon we were out on the front porch having a “watering flowers" reward with John David, Hudson, and a young guy named Micheal. While we were snacking on our white powdered donuts John David looked up at Micheal from his chair and asked, “Mike, Do you have Jesus in your heart?” Mike looked at me and we smiled. Mike responded honestly, “ I don’t know.” John David continued without even looking my direction, “Well, is Jesus your Savior?” - This past fall Mike made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Micheal is a 15 year old young guy from the “hood” (that’s what they call it). Micheal made a profession this past fall, but has been struggling. This past Wednesday night he walked away from me, his last words telling me that he was “done” and with a shrug of his shoulders and hands held out wide he walked down the street towards someone’s apartment- he didn’t come to church that night. He has gone back to saying he can’t feel his heart. It’s just been a struggle for Micheal. There’s sin and heartache at every corner. Sin and more sin- then more sin heaped up on top of that. Strongholds, bondage. A hard life. It’s going to be a long road for Micheal, but we serve a God of miraculous grace! I am so thankful for that miraculous grace in my own life. What He has done for me, He can do for Micheal. Our circumstances might be different, but the truth is we are all fighting a battle against this thing called flesh. The impact of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden permeates our society today and our homes today and our very beings today. But, praise the Lord- He is bigger! He is higher! He is able!! He has made a way! “ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”* Later this evening Mike and I were talking, “So, God knows your heart... right?” he asked. “Yeah- of course he knows your heart.” Mike responds back, “so you know those questions that John David asked me?” (I love this- after all day and three basketball games later he was still thinking of those questions that a “not yet five year old” asked him over some white messy donuts.) “Yeah” “Well, the answer to all those questions are yes- because God knows my heart.” Yes, He does Micheal, Yes He does! I say that with joy and hope but with fear as well. God does indeed know his heart. I pray Mike sees God for who He truly is. My heart longs for Micheal to submit himself to God! Micheal has a long hard road ahead of him, but God’s grace is limitless! He loves Micheal! He has come to rescue him from himself. Christ is at work today to rescue Mike from the bondage that Satan has schemed to ruin him. I am convinced that what Satan intended to harm him with, God can use it to accomplish His purposes. God has set infront of Mike a choice. A choice of life or death. He has placed infront of each of us this day: life or death. Micheal is a loner. He likes to be a loner, but hates it all at the same time. Micheal told me, “Kids normally are afraid of me. They normally yell out that I am a hobo and run off. It makes me feel good that your kids like me.” Micheal left tonight with four trashbags full of clean clothes and a heart that I do believe was smiling!!! Oh what gifts God has given us! (If you are still reading this, maybe God wants you to pray for Micheal...or maybe someone like Micheal that you know.) We are oversoaked with the goodness of our Lord. The reason I wanted to share this story is so simple- It was such a good reminder to me how God uses simple little things (even like dirty nailed little boys) in a crazy weaving of a beautiful story of His divine glory and grace. My little boys tonight were used in the Kingdom! Three little wild boys used for the King’s work! Jonah 2:8 says, "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” How many times do we cling to things that just don’t matter and forfeit a heavenly measure of grace. And then those of us that have children- when we forfeit grace that could be ours, we forfeit grace for our children to share in. What a blessing (and terrifyingly humbling) to see Micheal’s smile as he looked at me and told me that John David had a mind like his mom’s! “It’s like I’m talking to two of you now,” Micheal laughed. Yes, kids can catch it. Faith is more caught than taught. What are our kids catching from us? Oh how I pray my precious boys will catch glimpses of God’s glory that will ignite a passion in their little hearts to throw their lives at the mercy of a good, good treasure of a God. Oh how I desire it for myself too! What a reason to get up in the morning! Not my glory, but for His glory. Living for Something bigger than yourself- living for a Plan that stirs the same emotions as when you are standing at the top of a mountain’s peak- Yes, I am small and I love love the view!
*1 Cor. 15:56,57
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love this!!
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