Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Here are some books that I have read lately. They are great books. Christ has been purging, convicting, changing, and blessing me so much. This has been an incredible last several months. I can't put anything He has done in words. I know He is doing some incredible things in the modern church to change us to truly walk more like Christ walked. If you haven't read these books, they are truly a blessing to my walk w/ our Saviour.

This book is incredible. You can get it free at www.gfa.org

Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby
I went through the workbook. There is a book too.

I can't believe that I have never read it before, but God's timing is perfect.

1 comment:

The Blonde Renstroms said...

Thanks for the book recommendations! I'm so impressed that you're able to read as much as you do with 3 little boys to chase around :-) Good for you!

Oh, and is Graham seriously old enough to eat solids?!!! What?! Where did the time go.....