Our church has recently offered a class based on this book. David and I were very excited to get into the study- David's Dad has used this DVD set for many premarriage counseling and he thought it was so good he wanted to open the study to more couples. I am very thankful the Lord laid this on his heart and he responded. I've been so excited to share this with you guys. David and I finished the class before the Holidays- and soon after I started reading the book. The class was such an encouragement to us that I wanted to spend more time studying. We took premarriage counseling, I took marriage courses in college, read many books, etc...and many of these books were helpful...Men are Like Waffles Women Like Spaghetti is a good one...but nothing compared with how the Lord has used this Love and Respect study in my life. Our small group was great and very fun, but when I got alone with the Lord- talking to Him, memorizing and meditating on verses...well, God's Word never returns void and if you seek with all your heart you will find. I feel so blessed and thankful that the Lord has used this book to open my eyes to new things. The wisdom I've gained from this study I know God will use- He already has in many ways.
I was showing a house to a client several months back and on the refrigerator was a magnet. It read, "Men are dumb, throw coconuts at them." Continuing to look around- there were many pictures of a young married couple. I am sure- or would at least hope- that this young wife doesn't take this magnet literally- but the mindset is everywhere. The world around us tries to convince us of many things. We know that in many ways the secular world view can creep inside the body of believers. God's word is such joy and freedom to me. Truth really does have the power to set us free- to be exactly who our Creator created us to be. I'm so thankful the Lord has sent His swiftly running Word into my heart. I am humbled and so grateful.
Isaiah 58:11 "The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy you needs in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."
1 Peter 3:6 Wives "do what is right and do not give way to fear."
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